News and Stories

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June 28, 2016

Health & Care

The HEALTH & CARE exhibition was is a merge of Expo 60+ ( Mechelen) and Healthcare ( Brussels). It will be held from 28 to September 30, 2016 at Flanders Expo in Ghent. 280 suppliers to the health and care sector will present their products, services and innovations to 6,000 healthcare professionals. CytoWeb will be presented in the Microsoft Innovation Center village, so make sure you stop by.
February 5, 2016

Health By Technology v1.0

Thanks to MIC Vlaanderen, we will have a stand on the first Health By Technology conference in the AZ Damiaan hospital in Ostend on the 20th of February. You can find more information on It is a free conference so please make sure you’re there because there are some great sessions by great speakers such as Prof. Dr. Koen Kas. Be there! CytoWeb will be integrated with the hospital’s user repository, patient portal and patient database, ADT and MFN data, lab data, smart remote storage systems on the department…
November 3, 2015

VVRO Yearly Congres

We will be present on November 28th at the VVRO yearly congress in Blankenberge. This congress is organized by the nursing association for oncology and radiotherapy. We will be showcasing our latest version of CytoWeb, and all possible new integrations with other tools and devices.
June 5, 2015

Jan Yperman chooses CytoWeb

We are very proud to announce that Jan Yperman, based in Ypres, Belgium and the first West-European hospital to receive the JCI accreditation, chose CytoWeb to manage the complete chemotherapeutic flow. Read more about Jan Yperman. CytoWeb will be integrated with the hospital’s user repository, patient portal and patient database, ADT and MFN data, lab data, smart remote storage systems on the department…